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Sunday 27 November 2011


Hi folks,

I don't know why this has come up so much over the last week, but 3 people have asked me why and how stretching their faces can help with their running. While I have had a good laugh about it, it got me thinking about how little is known about this kind of therapy in this country and what I could do about it. The obvious thing is to start a blog...well here I am. The next thing is to advertise nationally - thats on the way. The most successful way to get a new therapy highlighted in the sports media, is to have a well known athlete endorse the therapy as having worked for them.
So this is the mission for 2012. If you play with a rugby squad who suffer with frequent injury, or you swim,cycle and run with a triathlon club whose injury rates are high - please contact me and I would be delighted to do a free demo in your club to highlight this therapy and show the benefits of a flexible body. The results really are like nothing you have ever seen - heavy, tight legs have been described as 'marshmallow' after a 3 minute stretch. People have thrown their heads back and laughed out loud in surprise after their feet have hit the ground after just 30 mins of a session. Check out to find out about when and where this phenomenon started.

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