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Wednesday 14 September 2011


Good Morning all,
Well after a fast 5 mile hill run yesterday, I was a little concerned that my knees might be a bit achy today as they ofter are after a hill session. However, a week of intensive stretching of my lateral line has ensured that my knees are stable and there is no obvious pulling on the outside of the knee during a hard session. People often ask me if these techniques prevent injury. Think about it - if you are running on the road - country or city - you have to be ready for dynamic movement as well as the rhythmical roll of perpetual forward motion. When you go to jump up/off at a footpath, or avoid a pothole, you sometimes have to move suddenly resulting in a jerky movement in the legs. That is often when a niggling ache becomes something that stops your training for a week or two. When muscle and the fascia that surrounds the tissue is tight - it does not allow an ease of movement that you might see with relaxed, supple tissue. For any of you who have met me at road races and had a calf stretch, you will know the difference between the two - its like marshmallow V's hard toffee (amazing how my analogies always come back to sweets!!!) So how do you get a really good calf stretch? Well first of all, you must remember that the calf is not the only muscle group in the leg and its no good stretching it in exclusion of everything else. Make yourself into an upside down V with your torso at 90% to your legs. Keep both knees bent slightly (as in downward dog position in yoga) and slowly alternate between bending one knee and slightly straightening the other - alternate back and forth. You will feel this stretch right the ways through the back of the legs up as far as the gluts - depending on where you are tightest, you may even get relief in the lower back from this one. Now imagine not having to do any work while stretching - just lying there while someone does all the work for you - and you get up feeling amazing - That's what we do at the Stretch For Success clinic! Get in touch and make an appointment today ;)))
Fiona Bron ;)

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