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Friday 9 September 2011


Hi All,  received a report from 'Jane' yesterday evening that there is a warm 'glow' in her hip. It feels very comfortable and instead of rolling around in bed last night looking for a comfortable spot, she was able to lie on her side which she hasn't been able to do for a while without discomfort. Today, I saw 'Liz'. Liz has been having a lot of problems with lower back discomfort, leg pain, ankle pain and weakness and a dull ache and pinching pain down the front of her right leg (thigh area) which has prevented her from running for a considerable amount of time. In between our session last week and this week, Liz has been doing a few stretches herself at home and the difference today was amazing. The range of movement that I saw was far superior to last week. The funny thing was, during the session, Liz kept flinching and I was concerned that I was hurting her - This treatment is NOT supposed to hurt! So I asked her if, when I rotated her hip and brought her into a stretch, whether it was pinching. She took a minute to think about it and then said 'actually no, it's not pinching at all - I'm just afraid that it will'. So this is another thing I would like to highlight - part of this treatment is allowing your body and teaching your nervous system that it can 'let go' of the tissue. Often times, your body will send a muscle into spasm - and its a protective mechanism. But when the source of pain is removed, the body still thinks it has to 'protect'. So all the slow gentle movements and stretches in one of these sessions is as valuable as the next, even if the stretch doesn't feel as strong as it could! I will be up in Cork for the half marathon at the weekend - I was hoping to run but Ive been sick for the week so Ill stretch some bodies instead. Come on over if you fancy a quick calf stretch sampler!
Fiona Bron

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